
Showing posts with the label Activity Us

Comperative Study Form University of Michigan USA

          Some time ago the Mangrove Forest Yogyakarta got a visit from the University of Michigan, USA. They do a comparative study in our mangrove forests. We feel proud to have a visit from overseas and we do not think that they are doing a comparative study. Because mangrove forests that we have is still need much development anymore. We strongly say many thanks for this visit. Greetings Lestari !!!

Master Plan Jogja Techno Marine

Commemoration of Indonesian Tree Planting Day ( HMPI ) is commemorated every 28 November and National Planting Month ( BMN ), which falls in December determined by Presidential Decree No. 24, 2008 has just been completed on Monday ( 08.12.2014 ) the Jogjakarta area of mangrove forest located in Tirtohargo Kretek Bantul . The delegation consists of Head of Marine and Fisheries , Vice Regent Bantul , representatives from the State University of Yogyakarta , Muhammadiyah University and the other party as a student comes to a location that is in the mangrove forest conservation area jogjakarta around 13:30 pm . Location , a concept of Mangrove Forests welcomed the draft mega project called " Jogja Techno Marine " . Master plan originating from the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology ( BPPT ) is rumored to cost Rp . 500 Billion . Hopefully, with the support of many parties , ...