Mangrove Species in Baros

Avicennia sp
Api-api is the name of a group of plants of the genus Avicennia, Acanthaceae tribe. Fires commonly grows on the edges or near the sea as part of a community of mangrove forests. Avicennia name attached to this genus in honor of Ibn Sina, in the western world famous as Avicenna, one expert and a pioneer of modern medicine from Persia. As citizens of mangrove communities, fires have several characteristics that are part of the adaptation to the muddy and salty environment. Among them:

1.  Root same breath that long nails and meeting, appeared on the must around the base of the trunk.
2. The leaves with salt glands on the bottom surface. Leaf fires white on the bottom side, covered           with salt crystals. It is the excess salt discharged by the plant.
3. Seeds germinate fires when the fruit has not fallen, it is still attached branches. Thus these seeds         can soon grow all that is dropped or stuck in the mud.

Rhizopora sp
Bakau is the name of a group of plants of the genus Rhizophora, Rhizophoraceae tribe. This plant has a striking characteristic of the roots tunjang large and woody, shoots covered Stipule tapered, and fruit germinate and take root when it was still in the tree (viviparous). Mangroves also has many other names such as tancang, Tanjang (Jw.); tinjang (Md.); bangko (Bugis); kawoka (East), Wako, anchors and others. Large tree, with roots tunjang striking and branching. Total height of 4-30 m, with a height roots reach 0.5-2 m or more above the mud, and a trunk diameter of up to 50 cm. Mangrove is one of the main constituent tree species mangrove ecosystems. Single leaf, located opposite, collected at the end of the branch, with closed buds Stipule curled pointy. Elliptical leaf blade, similar to a thick smooth skin, yellowish green or light green, pointy-toed, sessile, from 3.5 to 13 × 7-23 cm. Stipule quickly fall out, leaving a ring similar to the books are bulging.
Interest groups under the umbrella of additional stemmed and menggarpu in the armpits, 2-4-8-16 buds, petals bertaju berbilangan 4. The tube about 1.5 cm, brownish or greenish yellow, curved. Corolla white-haired or bald somewhat yellowish, depending on the type. Inflorescence occur throughout the year.


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